Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
1,940 posts
MR-7 » 23 Mar 2025, 3:00 pm » wrote: ↑
There is good news Johnny Boy. U R not alone. Just like you, check out these bat **** eating (oh, and crazy too) libbies with TDS. U Mother **** are pathetic.
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I guess that is why the United Kingdom issued a travel warning for Brits heading to the US. You phooks have split the boat in half and we are heading down to 47,000 Leagues under the Swamp. The Trumporrhea stinks and is nauseating.. We don't have any Pampers and the Trumpoopsalotamus is spreading all over everything,
Hopefully Trump will Make America Great At recognizing corruption when they see it. He is extremely blatant about his. He sent out a tweet about his Meme Coin this Sunday AM. The "value" of Trump coin had a spike up today. I guess Prince Mad Bat Shyt kicked in a few more Billion for foreign influence.